
Moving with Kids in NYC: A Family's Guide to a Smooth Transition

Moving family

Moving is always exciting because all the practical aspects of your life are about to change. Often, the difficulties and worries that have piled up prevent you from enjoying improved living conditions. And if children are involved in the move, it can become incredibly chaotic. But don't worry! In this article, we have collected all the recommendations that will help you easily cope with all problems.

Part 1: Choosing a New Home

Moving with Kids in NYC

When moving with kids, choosing a good area in which it will be convenient and comfortable to live is essential. Therefore, you need to start by carefully analyzing all available options and consideration of the characteristics of each area. Here are some tips for optimizing your search.

Explore Social Infrastructure

A responsible parent understands that raising children not only imposes certain restrictions but is also associated with various unexpected incidents for which you must be prepared. Make sure there is a store near your new home where you can buy the little things you need. There should also be a convenient road from home to the nearest hospital. Ideally, you should choose a house to not waste much time on the road to critical social facilities.

Find Nearby Educational Institutions

It's good when there are clubs, a music or sports school, and a swimming pool near your home. This way, the child will be able to develop and not spend a lot of time traveling around the city. The same applies to schools and kindergartens. Since the child visits these institutions daily, traveling too long can become a burden.

Check out the Playgrounds

Family-friendly areas always provide places for walking and playing. It is significant because safe and comfortable playgrounds guarantee your baby's health and physical development. You can limit yourself to viewing the sites on maps, but it is best to go there in person and inspect the playing area and walking area. Your confidence in the quality of the recreation areas will repay the time spent on such a trip.

Walk Through the Neighborhood

Spend some time walking around the area. This way, you will personally see the quality of the infrastructure, see the lighting, and get to know your future neighbors. These are critical factors for comfortable living in a neighborhood, so it's worth checking them.

Part 2: Moving Smoothly

Moving with Kids NYC

And now, a significant moment has come: you have found the ideal home where you and your children will be comfortable and comfortable. Now, it's a matter of small things. You need to organize your move as efficiently as possible. It is best to use the services of local movers in NYC because such companies have sufficient experience in moving things in this area. Your task is to minimize emotional stress for you and the children, and now we will tell you how to do this.

Discuss Moving with Children

Moving is stressful for all family members, including children. Not only does the interior of the apartment change, but also the usual way of life and sometimes the circle of friends. To make this situation more manageable for the children, it is worth talking to them in advance about exactly how their lives will change and why the parents made this decision. It is better to report the news only when it has already become clear that the move will take place; otherwise, the child may be nervous because of its possible cancellation.

Tell the Children the Exact Moving Date

A specific moving date also helps cope with stress due to uncertainty: knowing precisely the date, children can say goodbye to friends, exchange addresses and phone numbers, and plan new meetings if they are moving close to their previous residence. It is essential for older children. 

But this does not mean that if the child does not yet distinguish between days, he does not need to be told the exact date. You can say something like this: "You sleep three times, and we will go to a new apartment." This way, the child will be ready for change and feel calmer.

Organize Your Packing

The further you move, the more firmly you need to pack your things. Kids may suddenly need a spare bottle or pacifier, a favorite stuffed toy, or a third change of clothes, so the main rule when packing is to know where everything is. About a week before moving, go through your things: throw away the excess and donate the unnecessary. You can give it to acquaintances, friends, and neighbors or place ads in local social network communities. Children can help too: putting things in boxes or deciding which toys they don't need.

Think Through Your First Day in a New Place

Children will feel unfamiliar in a new apartment, and if things are not sorted, it will be more difficult for them to play or draw. Not knowing what to do with themselves can make it difficult for children to sort things out. The main task of parents is to sort things into their places as quickly as possible. Here's what you need to do first:

  • Connect household appliances: refrigerator, stove, washing machine, and dishwasher.
  • Assemble sleeping places and desks.
  • Check the Wi-Fi operation or connect it.
  • Get essentials: diapers, oilcloth, a change of clothes, chargers. Each family has its own set of such things.
  • Assemble the furniture, hang the curtains, and put everything in place.
  • Taking things apart may be more manageable if the child attends school or kindergarten. If you leave your children at home, try involving them in sorting out the boxes. For example, you can say that you are currently playing Treasure Hunt, and they need to find their toys.


Moving is an energy-intensive business. Consider the recommendations from our article to make the process easier for yourself and your children. Also, do not neglect any available help. Ask relatives or friends to help with the move. Perhaps grandma will walk with the stroller while you pack your things, or a friend will help you quickly sort them out in your new apartment. Most importantly, remain optimistic and try to find positive aspects in the move. Then, your children will follow your example.

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